Register Account

Let's get you registered.

Please create a username and password that you will use the access the CardPointe platform.

  • Password must be at least 9 characters
  • Password cannot match your email or username
  • Password must contain:
    • English uppercase characters (A - Z)
    • English lowercase characters (a - z)
    • Base 10 digits (0 - 9)
    • Non-alphanumeric (For example: !, $, #, or %)

Choose a password

  • Password must be at least 9 characters
  • Password cannot match your email or username
  • Password must contain:
    • English uppercase characters (A - Z)
    • English lowercase characters (a - z)
    • Base 10 digits (0 - 9)
    • Non-alphanumeric (For example: !, $, #, or %)
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